Some thoughts on Cardinal Dolan's letter to priests
Posted: January 15, 2017
CTA Contributor - Art McGrath 1.17.17
Cardinal Dolan’s recent letter to his Bishops, Priests and Deacons covered in the attached National Catholic Reporter article sadly reflects a defensive posture one wouldn’t hope to read in a letter from a Pastor’s Pastor. I suspect the lack of transparency, collegiality and co-responsibility in the New York Archdiocese called for in Vatican II contributes to the apparent atmosphere of paranoia and lack of trust he so clearly describes in his letter. Who would ever expect a letter from the Servant of the Pastors of the Archdiocese to speak to his priests using the words, conniving, stingy, nasty, money grabbing and mistrust. Apparently obedience and conformance to the Cardinal’s expectations are more important than building trust, community and ownership of the pastoral work of the archdiocese.
To read the letter, click the following link.